The title --- What does the title refer to?In My opinion, the title refers to Grace Family, they think that they live with a ghost-family, but in the end Grace, the mother, discover that, really, they are the ghosts.
The settings.There are many typical horror films elements: like the house, it’s very old and big; the children have a strange illness, the sun’s ray can’t touch them and that is the reason why that the house has the windows closed, they always have to stay in dark rooms, and this darkness gives a very mysterious atmosphere. Others elements are, the garden very extend and it has a lot of three with its leaves falls and in the garden always there are fog.
And finally the most important and typical elements are the low voices with the characters speak and the music inspired to terror films.
The Time---When is the film set? How does the director tell/show the audience?I think that the film is inspired at XIX century, because there isn’t electricity, the clothes are very old, in my opinion.
There are more elements, like the characters that they haven’t a car and they walk for go to any places and there are many old objects.
The CastGrace, the mother: she feels alone, without her husband. He is in the war and she have to take of care her children. When she discovers the possibility that there are ghost, she feel scar. Later when she discovers that she and her children are ghosts, she thinks that she is mad, because she killed her children when she was alive. She educates her children with in the Christianity.
The Kids: they have a terrible illness that they can’t stay under the sun rays. They stay always into the house; they only can stay with the light of the candles.
The housekeepers: they are dead, too. They was and are the housekeepers of the family Grace. Their role is helping Grace.
Alejandro Amenábar: I know “The see inside”, “Open your eyes” and “Thesis”. He was 30 years old. The others won 8 “Goyas”.
FINAL QUESTIONI think that it can be considered a gothic film, because there are many elements to prove like the tombs, fog, mystery voices and the entire scene. And the principal element is the ghosts.